EU Launches Call for AI Factories to Power the Future of Generative AI

Aayushi Mathpal

Updated 11 Sep,2024,11:30AM,IST

In a significant push to advance the AI landscape across Europe, the European Union has launched a call for setting up AI Factories—dedicated environments that will enable AI developers to train large-scale generative AI models using Europe’s high-performance computing infrastructure. These AI Factories are poised to revolutionize the development of AI by leveraging the EuroHPC (European High-Performance Computing) supercomputers and offering unprecedented access to vast computing resources, data, and storage services.

What Are AI Factories?

AI Factories are envisioned as specialized hubs designed to streamline and accelerate the training of generative AI models. As generative AI continues to advance—from chatbots like ChatGPT to sophisticated content creation tools—training these models requires immense computational power, vast datasets, and secure, scalable storage solutions. AI Factories will act as an all-in-one platform for AI developers, providing them with the necessary infrastructure and tools to bring their innovations to life.

The idea behind these factories is to break down the barriers that currently exist in AI development, particularly for European organizations and research institutions. By offering a centralized ecosystem supported by EuroHPC’s supercomputers, AI Factories aim to democratize access to AI training resources, enabling even small teams to develop cutting-edge AI applications without the financial or technical constraints that have historically limited them.

Powering AI with EuroHPC Supercomputers

At the heart of AI Factories is the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, a powerful consortium of high-performance computing (HPC) facilities across Europe. These supercomputers are among the most advanced in the world, offering computational power on a scale that allows for the development of massive AI models that would be otherwise impossible to train on conventional hardware.

Training large generative AI models is a resource-intensive process. For instance, models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 or Google’s PaLM require millions of parameters, vast datasets, and weeks (if not months) of continuous computation. AI Factories, powered by EuroHPC, will enable AI developers to tap into this powerful infrastructure, dramatically cutting down the time and cost of model training. This also provides a strong alternative to relying solely on commercial cloud providers, helping Europe assert its digital sovereignty in AI.

Bridging the Gap Between Data and Compute

AI Factories will also tackle one of the biggest challenges in AI development: access to high-quality data. Alongside EuroHPC’s computing resources, AI Factories will offer AI developers seamless access to vast, diverse datasets essential for training generative AI models across a wide range of domains. Whether it’s medical data for AI-driven diagnostics, industrial data for automation, or public datasets for AI-driven policy-making, these factories will provide the secure infrastructure needed to manage and process sensitive information responsibly.

Data privacy and compliance with the EU’s stringent regulations, such as GDPR, will be central to the AI Factories’ design, ensuring that AI developers can innovate without compromising on ethical considerations.

Democratizing AI Development

One of the most significant benefits of these AI Factories is their potential to democratize AI development in Europe. Historically, the development of advanced AI models has been dominated by tech giants with vast financial and technical resources. AI Factories will level the playing field by giving startups, academic institutions, and even individual researchers access to the same tools and infrastructure previously limited to a select few.

This democratization aligns with the EU’s broader goals of promoting innovation, fostering competition, and ensuring that the benefits of AI are accessible to all sectors of society. It will encourage a thriving AI ecosystem across Europe, stimulating collaboration between countries, industries, and research communities.

Looking Ahead: A European AI Renaissance?

The EU’s call for AI Factories marks an important step toward a self-sustained AI ecosystem in Europe, where innovation is driven by access to cutting-edge resources. It’s also part of a larger strategy to position Europe as a global leader in AI, with the EuroHPC supercomputers forming the backbone of these ambitions.

As AI continues to redefine industries from healthcare to education to entertainment, AI Factories will play a pivotal role in shaping the next wave of AI-driven innovations. By harnessing the power of EuroHPC, Europe is taking a proactive stance in ensuring that it remains at the forefront of AI advancements, driving competitiveness while maintaining a strong emphasis on ethical AI development.


The EU’s vision for AI Factories is ambitious, but it reflects the growing importance of generative AI in the modern world. With the power of EuroHPC supercomputers and a secure, regulated infrastructure, AI Factories will provide European developers with the resources they need to build, train, and innovate like never before.

As the call for proposals begins, the next few years could witness a transformative shift in the AI development landscape, setting the stage for a European AI renaissance—one that is collaborative, ethical, and accessible to all.

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