AI Must Foster Progress and Well-Being for All: PM Modi's Vision at the G7 Summit


           PM Modi, his British counterpart Rishi Sunak

Aayushi Mathpal

Updated 15 June,2024, 10:00AM,IST

In a world increasingly driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and technological advancements, ensuring that progress benefits all humanity is paramount. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address at the Outreach Session on Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Africa, and the Mediterranean at the G7 Summit in Apulia, Italy, underscored this imperative. Highlighting the need for inclusive development, PM Modi called for prioritizing the concerns of the Global South, with a particular emphasis on Africa.

The Context of PM Modi's Address

The G7 Summit, held in the picturesque region of Apulia, Italy, gathered leaders from the world's most advanced economies to discuss pressing global issues. This year's summit featured a significant focus on AI, energy, and regional development, particularly concerning Africa and the Mediterranean. As the leader of the world's largest democracy and a key player in the global technology arena, PM Modi's insights were eagerly anticipated.

Emphasizing Inclusive AI Development

In his address, PM Modi stressed that AI should not be an exclusive privilege of the developed world. Instead, it must be a tool that fosters progress and well-being for all, especially the marginalized and underrepresented communities in the Global South. He argued that the benefits of AI should extend beyond economic gains to enhance social equity and quality of life.

AI for the Global South: A Call to Action

PM Modi's vision for AI involves a concerted effort to bridge the technological divide between the Global North and South. He pointed out that many countries in Africa and the Mediterranean region face unique challenges, such as limited access to technology, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of skilled personnel. Addressing these issues requires a collaborative approach, with developed nations playing a crucial role in supporting technology transfer, capacity building, and infrastructure development.

AI's Role in Sustainable Development

AI has the potential to drive sustainable development in multiple sectors, including healthcare, agriculture, education, and energy. PM Modi highlighted several key areas where AI can make a significant impact:

  1. Healthcare: AI-driven diagnostics and treatment plans can revolutionize healthcare delivery, making it more accessible and affordable for people in remote and underserved regions.

  2. Agriculture: AI-powered tools can enhance agricultural productivity by providing farmers with real-time data on weather patterns, soil health, and crop management, thereby increasing food security.

  3. Education: AI can democratize education by offering personalized learning experiences and resources to students regardless of their geographical location.

  4. Energy: AI can optimize energy consumption and improve the efficiency of renewable energy sources, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Prioritizing Africa's Development

PM Modi's call to focus on Africa's development is both timely and critical. Africa, with its burgeoning population and abundant natural resources, holds immense potential for growth. However, the continent also faces significant challenges, including poverty, political instability, and the impacts of climate change.

Collaborative Efforts for a Brighter Future

To harness the potential of AI for Africa's development, PM Modi urged for enhanced international cooperation. This includes partnerships between governments, private sector entities, and civil society organizations to create a supportive ecosystem for innovation. Investments in education and training are crucial to building a skilled workforce capable of leveraging AI technologies.

Ethical AI: A Guiding Principle

A significant aspect of PM Modi's vision is the ethical deployment of AI. He emphasized the importance of developing AI systems that are transparent, accountable, and aligned with human values. This includes safeguarding privacy, ensuring data security, and preventing biases in AI algorithms. Ethical AI practices are essential to gaining public trust and maximizing the positive impact of AI on society.


PM Modi's address at the G7 Summit serves as a powerful reminder that the future of AI must be inclusive and equitable. By prioritizing the concerns of the Global South and focusing on sustainable development, we can harness the transformative power of AI to create a better world for all. As we move forward, it is crucial for global leaders, technologists, and policymakers to collaborate and ensure that AI drives progress and well-being across every corner of the globe.

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