India Allocates Rs 2,000 Crore to Develop Custom AI Model Tailored for National Needs


Aayushi Mathpal

Updated 23 May,2024, 10:30AM,IST

In a landmark move aimed at propelling India to the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, the Indian government has announced a massive allocation of Rs 2,000 crore to develop a custom AI model tailored specifically for Indian needs. This initiative is set to commence after the 2024 Lok Sabha elections and will be overseen by the IndiaAI Innovation Centre under the auspices of the IndiaAI Mission.

The Vision Behind the Initiative

India's foray into developing a custom AI model is driven by a vision to harness the transformative power of AI to address unique challenges and opportunities within the country. Unlike generic AI models that cater to global requirements, a bespoke Indian AI model can be fine-tuned to understand and respond to the diverse cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic landscape of India. This initiative aims to not only advance technology but also to democratize access to AI-driven solutions across various sectors.

Key Objectives

  1. Localized Solutions: One of the primary goals is to develop AI solutions that are contextually relevant to India. This includes understanding regional languages, dialects, and cultural nuances which are often overlooked by global AI models.

  2. Boosting Innovation: By fostering a robust AI ecosystem, the initiative aims to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship. This includes support for startups, research institutions, and enterprises working on AI technologies.

  3. Addressing Socio-Economic Issues: AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, education, agriculture, and governance. The custom AI model will focus on creating solutions that can improve quality of life, increase efficiency, and bridge socio-economic gaps.

  4. Building AI Talent: To sustain and grow the AI ecosystem, the initiative will also emphasize education and training programs. This will help in creating a skilled workforce capable of developing and maintaining advanced AI systems.

The Role of IndiaAI Innovation Centre

The IndiaAI Innovation Centre, a pivotal component of the IndiaAI Mission, will spearhead this initiative. The Centre will be responsible for coordinating efforts across various stakeholders including government bodies, private enterprises, academic institutions, and international partners. Its mandate includes:

  • Research and Development: Leading cutting-edge research to develop the custom AI model and related technologies.
  • Collaboration: Fostering partnerships with global AI leaders and local innovators to integrate best practices and accelerate development.
  • Policy Framework: Establishing a regulatory and ethical framework to ensure that AI development aligns with national interests and public welfare.
  • Funding and Resources: Allocating financial and infrastructural resources to support AI projects and startups.

Expected Impact

The development of a custom AI model holds promise for substantial impact across multiple domains:

  • Healthcare: Enhancing diagnostics, personalized medicine, and healthcare delivery, especially in remote and underserved areas.
  • Agriculture: Improving crop management, predicting yields, and optimizing resource use to bolster agricultural productivity.
  • Education: Personalizing learning experiences, improving access to quality education, and enhancing administrative efficiency.
  • Governance: Streamlining public services, enhancing transparency, and fostering citizen engagement through AI-powered solutions.


The Indian government's bold move to invest Rs 2,000 crore in developing a custom AI model marks a significant step towards leveraging AI for national growth and development. This initiative, under the guidance of the IndiaAI Innovation Centre, promises to place India on the global AI map while ensuring that the benefits of this technology reach every corner of the nation. As we await the post-2024 Lok Sabha election phase when this initiative is set to kick off, the anticipation and excitement within the tech community and beyond are palpable. India is poised to not only embrace the AI revolution but to shape it in a uniquely Indian way.

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