's Strategic Deployment of Generative AI Bots in the Indian Market


Aayushi Mathpal

Updated 24 Jan,2024,10:30AM,IST



In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries,, a leading conversational AI company, has made a significant move by deploying 30% of its generative AI (GenAI) bots domestically in India. This strategic decision reflects a unique approach to AI utilization in different global markets.'s Global GenAI Bots

Founded in Bengaluru in 2016, has emerged as a frontrunner in the AI sector. In the current fiscal year, the company deployed around 120 GenAI bots globally, directing a substantial 30% of these bots to the Indian market. This move is particularly noteworthy as it contrasts with the prevalent trend in the U.S., where GenAI is primarily used for customer support and cost reduction. Indian businesses, on the other hand, see GenAI as a tool for boosting revenues, generating leads, and aiding sales growth.


Impact on the Indian Market’s deployment has had a notable impact on the Indian market. Bajaj Auto Finance, for example, successfully generated over 100 leads through’s GenAI chatbot. A major non-banking financial institution processed 400 auto-loan applications, and a two-wheeler manufacturer achieved significant sales, thanks in part to's technology. These successes illustrate the potential of GenAI to revolutionize customer engagement and sales in India.


Future Prospects and Revenue Projections is eyeing substantial growth in India, anticipating the market to expand by over 60% next year. The estimated revenues from India are projected to be between $20-30 million, significantly contributing to the global revenue target of $60-70 million. The company, valued at around $102 million, is considering a public listing in the U.S. by 2026-27 and expects to achieve profitability in the current fiscal year.


Market Trends and Adoption

The adoption of GenAI is accelerating in India, with a surge in demand particularly noted in the quarter ending October.'s GenAI offerings have been deployed in various sectors, including financial services, travel, retail, e-commerce, and technology. This wide-ranging application underscores the versatility and efficacy of GenAI solutions in diverse business domains.


Conclusion’s deployment of 30% of its global GenAI bots in India is a testament to the company's strategic vision and understanding of market-specific needs. It signifies a broader shift in the way AI is being leveraged globally, moving beyond cost-cutting to revenue generation and business growth. As continues to expand its footprint, it is set to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of AI-driven customer engagement and business operations in India and beyond​​​​.

By:vijAIRobotics Desk

The Evolving Landscape of Data Analyst Roles and Responsibilities in 2024


As we delve into 2024, the role of Data Analysts continues to evolve, becoming increasingly integral in the data-driven decision-making process across industries. With advancements in technology and the ever-expanding scope of data, the responsibilities of Data Analysts have broadened, requiring a blend of technical prowess, business acumen, and analytical skills.

Core Responsibilities

  1. Data Collection and Processing: In 2024, Data Analysts are responsible for collecting data from various sources, including traditional databases, web sources, IoT devices, and cloud platforms. The ability to process and clean this data to ensure its accuracy and reliability remains a fundamental task.
  2. Data Analysis and Interpretation: Data Analysts must extract meaningful insights from complex datasets. This involves using statistical techniques, predictive modeling, and machine learning algorithms to interpret data trends and patterns.
  3. Reporting and Visualization: Presenting data in an understandable and visually appealing manner is crucial. Data Analysts in 2024 leverage advanced visualization tools and platforms to create interactive dashboards, reports, and infographics that succinctly communicate their findings to stakeholders.
  4. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Data Analysts increasingly work in cross-functional teams, collaborating with IT, marketing, finance, and operations. They play a key role in translating data insights into actionable business strategies and decisions.
  5. Data Strategy Development: Beyond analysis, Data Analysts contribute to the development and implementation of data strategies. This includes identifying key data sources, establishing data governance protocols, and ensuring data security and privacy compliance.

Emerging Trends Impacting the Role

  1. AI and Machine Learning Integration: With AI and machine learning becoming more prevalent, Data Analysts need to understand and apply these technologies to enhance data analysis processes.
  2. Big Data Technologies: Proficiency in big data technologies and tools is becoming a staple skill for Data Analysts. The ability to work with large and complex datasets is essential.
  3. Real-time Data Analysis: The shift towards real-time data processing demands Data Analysts to be adept at working with streaming data and time-sensitive analytics.
  4. Data Ethics and Governance: With increasing concerns around data privacy and ethics, Data Analysts must be well-versed in legal and ethical aspects of data handling.
  5. Soft Skills and Business Acumen: Technical skills aside, strong communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and business acumen are increasingly important for Data Analysts in 2024 to translate data insights into business value.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Data Quality and Volume: Handling the sheer volume of data and ensuring its quality is a persistent challenge.
  • Rapid Technological Changes: Keeping up with rapid advancements in data analytics tools and methodologies is crucial.
  • Data Privacy and Security: With stringent data protection laws, ensuring data privacy and security is both a challenge and a responsibility.


The role of a Data Analyst in 2024 is multifaceted, requiring a balance of technical expertise, industry knowledge, and soft skills. As organizations continue to rely heavily on data-driven decisions, the demand for skilled Data Analysts is poised to grow. Staying abreast of emerging trends, technologies, and best practices will be key to thriving in this dynamic field.

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