"Krutrim: Pioneering India's AI Revolution as the First Billion-Dollar Unicorn"


Aayushi Mathpal

Updated 27 Jan,2024,10:30AM,IST

Krutrim, an artificial intelligence startup founded by Bhavish Aggarwal, the CEO of Ola, has recently gained significant attention in the tech world. This innovative venture has achieved a remarkable milestone by becoming India’s first AI startup to reach a unicorn status, with a valuation of $1 billion. This feat was accomplished following a successful funding round that raised $50 million, led by Matrix Partners India and other notable investors. This funding round has placed Krutrim in the spotlight, highlighting its potential and the growing interest in AI technologies.

The name "Krutrim" is derived from Sanskrit, meaning "artificial." This startup is not just another AI company; it represents a significant stride in India’s journey in the AI space. Krutrim is currently developing a family of Large Language Models, including the base and Pro versions. These models are designed to be multimodal, with broader knowledge capabilities and numerous technical advancements for inference. This development is particularly significant because it is trained on over 2 trillion tokens and is focused on both global and Indian data. This makes Krutrim uniquely positioned to handle a variety of languages, especially those native to India, which is a significant step forward in creating AI that is more inclusive and culturally aware.

One of the most anticipated offerings from Krutrim is a voice-enabled conversational AI assistant that can understand and speak multiple Indian languages. This feature is not just a technological breakthrough but also a culturally significant one, as it promises to bridge language barriers within the diverse linguistic landscape of India. The beta version of Krutrim is expected to be available for consumers in February 2024. Additionally, the company plans to offer an API for developers and enterprises interested in creating AI applications, thereby expanding the reach and application of their technology.

Beyond language models, Krutrim is actively involved in the development of data centers and aims to produce servers and supercomputers dedicated to the AI ecosystem. This indicates a holistic approach towards AI development, encompassing not just software but also the hardware aspect, which is essential for the robust performance of AI systems.

Bhavish Aggarwal’s vision for Krutrim is not just about creating an advanced AI technology but also about building India's complete AI computing stack. He emphasizes the importance of India developing its own AI systems, which is a significant statement in the context of the global AI race. While India has one of the world's largest startup ecosystems, it had not yet made a substantial impact in the AI domain. With Krutrim's achievement, India is now stepping up in the generative AI race, challenging the dominance of large language model titans like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Amazon-backed Anthropic, or Google’s Bard.

Krutrim’s success story is not just about a startup achieving unicorn status; it's a testament to the burgeoning AI landscape in India and the potential for Indian startups to make a global impact in this field


By:vijAI Desk

 vijAI Robotics Introducing -Reignite Program For Women

**Revitalize Your Skills, Restart Your Career: A Guide for Women Returning to the Workforce**


Embarking on a career comeback can be a challenging yet rewarding journey, especially for women who have taken a break from their professional lives. Whether the hiatus was for personal reasons, family commitments, or simply a period of reflection and growth, returning to the workforce marks a pivotal moment. The landscape of work is constantly evolving, making the need to revitalize one's skills more crucial than ever. This guide offers strategies and insights for women ready to restart their careers and reach new heights.


1. **Self-Assessment: Understanding Your Current Position**

 - **Reflect on Your Past Experience:** Consider the skills and knowledge you acquired in your previous roles. Which of these are still relevant and valuable in today's job market?

   - **Identify Skill Gaps:** Technology and industry practices may have evolved during your break. Identify areas where you need updates or new skills.


2. **Skill Revitalization: Bridging the Gap**

   -**Continuous Learning:** Engage in online courses, workshops, and webinars. Platforms like vijAI, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and Udemy offer a plethora of courses that cater to a wide range of industries.

   - **Certifications:** Depending on your field, obtaining new certifications can be a powerful way to demonstrate your commitment and updated knowledge.

   - **Soft Skills Enhancement:** Don't underestimate the power of soft skills such as communication, leadership, and adaptability. These are highly valued in every industry.

3. **Networking: Rebuild and Expand Your Professional Circle**

   - **Reconnect with Former Colleagues:** They can be valuable resources for industry updates, job leads, and references.

   - **Attend Industry Events and Workshops:** These are excellent opportunities to meet professionals and learn about current industry trends.

   - **Utilize Social Media:** Platforms like LinkedIn are essential for building a professional presence and connecting with potential employers and mentors.


 4. **Strategic Job Searching: Targeting the Right Opportunities**


   - **Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile:** Highlight your skills, accomplishments, and any relevant activities or freelance work during your career break.

   - **Tailor Your Applications:** Customize your resume and cover letter for each job application to reflect how your skills align with the job requirements.

   - **Consider Flexible Work Options:** Depending on your current situation, part-time jobs, freelance work, or remote opportunities might be a good way to ease back into the workforce.


5. **Interview Preparation: Showcasing Your Strengths**


   - **Practice Your Story:** Be prepared to discuss your career break in a positive light, focusing on how it has prepared you for your return to the workforce.

   - **Mock Interviews:** Practice with a friend or use online resources to hone your interview skills.

   - **Research Potential Employers:** Understanding the company's culture and values can help you tailor your responses and questions during the interview.


 6. **Embracing the New Chapter: Mindset and Resilience**


   - **Stay Positive and Confident:** Believe in your abilities and the unique perspective you bring to the table.

   - **Seek Support:** Join support groups or forums for women returning to work. Sharing experiences and advice can be incredibly empowering.

   - **Be Open to Learning and Growth:** Embrace new challenges as opportunities for personal and professional development.


7. **Work-Life

Balance: Finding Your New Rhythm**

   - **Set Realistic Expectations:**  Understand that balancing work and personal life is an ongoing process. It's okay to readjust as needed.

   - **Time Management Skills:** Prioritize your tasks and responsibilities both at work and at home. Effective time management can significantly reduce stress.

   - **Seek Flexible Arrangements if Necessary:** Many employers are now more open to flexible working arrangements, which can be particularly beneficial for those balancing family and work.



Making a comeback in your career after a break is a journey filled with learning and growth. It's a time to rediscover your professional self, update your skills, and embrace new challenges. Remember, the unique experiences and perspectives gained during your career break can be invaluable in your future roles. Stay positive, be persistent, and believe in your ability to achieve new career heights. Your determination and resilience are your greatest assets as you step forward into this exciting phase of your professional life.

Embarking on this journey is not just about re-entering the workforce; it's about redefining your career path with renewed vigor and insight. Every step you take towards revitalizing your skills and restarting your career is a step towards realizing your potential and making a significant impact in your chosen field.

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By: vijAI Robotics Desk